Paris: a tour around the French capital

The French capital is more than special for those travelers who want to experience a city with an artistic spirit, a rich history and first-class cuisine. This article aims to become a short guide to plan a trip. 

  • History 

The origins of the city date back to the times of the Roman Empire (52 b.C.), after the conquest of Julius Caesar. 17 centuries passed until becoming an intellectual capital, along with invasions, wars and epidemics. During the 18th century, it was the cradle of the Enlightenment and the occidental revolution, and then followed the Napoleonic period, which meant a great age of expansion for France. 

Since the beginning of the 20th century up to the present, Paris went through alterations and reconstructions caused at first by the two World Wars and later, by urban matters. 

  • Point of Interest 

We could say that Paris is an endless city; the quantity of tourist attractions is vast. That is why we will show the top 6 locations so you don't get confused when planning the next visit: 

1- Eiffel Tower this classic icon of the city was built in 1889 and it takes part in the ranking of the most visited monuments worldwide.

2- Louvre Museum a must-see for fans of visual arts. About eight million people visit it every year. 

3- Notre Dame: one of the first gothic cathedrals in the world. During the tour, you are allowed to visit every nook in the building. 

4- Arc of Triumph Another great icon in Paris after the Eiffel Tower. It was built in the early 19th century and it was requested by Napoleon. 

5- The Pantheon built between 1764 and 1790, it was used as a cemetery for distinguished men and French personalities.

6- Montmartre: also known as the painter’s neighborhood, it includes the nightlife with its old cabarets and the surroundings of the Sacré-Cœur basilica.

  • Weather 

Paris has a continental weather. It is characterized by hot summers and cold winters. Rainfall is usually higher than in London, though more distributed throughout the year. According to the travelers, the best period of the year to visit the city is between mid June and mid September.

  • Gastronomy 

French cuisine stands out due to its variety and its quality, achieved thanks to the raw material it uses and the cultural diversity in the country. Apart from its globally recognized traditional dishes, we must mention its types of cheese and its patisserie and confectionery. 

You can have a gastronomic experience by simply walking along the streets and markets. In these places, you can find an amazing variety of first-quality cheese and desserts to accompany your tastings.

Paris is an unforgettable destination, and it must be included in your travel agenda to visit it at least once. Places of public interest are plentiful in the city, where one can spend hours and days learning about its rich history and then enjoy its gourmet cuisine as the closure of a well-spent day. Needless to say, you will not have any time to get bored.

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