Covid-19 worldwide

The outlook is diverse. We can see countries where a high percentage of the population have already been vaccinated and other countries that are going through a phase of a high number of infected people and a concerning occupation of ICU beds. In this article, we are going to expose a general world overview of May 2021. 

  • How it has affected different regions and countries

The most affected region in proportional terms is Sub-Saharan Africa; it represents 25% of the global mortality rate with only 3% of the global health workforce. In addition to Covid-19, they are facing tuberculosis, HIV-AIDS, malaria, the awful running of the public health sector, and high rates of migration. 

Up to now, the least affected countries are those which have been able to distribute a large number of vaccine dosis. The top 5 countries that have dispensed the largest number of vaccines are: Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Chile, United Kingdom, and the United States. 

  • Vaccination campaigns

Vaccination began months ago since the doses for human use were approved. Nonetheless, not every country has had access to an equal quantity of dosis. The campaigns started from higher risk groups, people over 70 years old who are affected with a preexisting illness to reach the majority of the adult population. The main aim is to decrease mortality, ICU beds occupancy, and the socioeconomic impact that the pandemic has caused. 

  • A setback for the tourism industry

No country or region could evade the blow to the tourism sector. This meant a major setback for developed countries as well as --and especially-- for developing countries. The activity came to a standstill in March 2020. Although an absolute return to normal cannot be set yet, it is estimated to begin during the beginning of 2022, according to the World Health Organization. After this COVID-19 dissipation, tourism is expected to resume and increase its demanded activity worldwide.   

The COVID-19 has an expiration date. Difficulties appear if it is not taken into account that there are, at least, 8 months remaining for those countries which have not distributed vaccines massively to keep their restrictions and preventive measures. These will be necessary in order to prevent small and medium-sized businesses that have survived the 2020 crisis from going bankrupt.

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