Is it safe to travel during the pandemic?

seguridad viajar pandemia

The massive vaccination is not a fantasy anymore and has now become a reality: the injections in each of its variants are being distributed to dozens of countries, giving hope to the entire world during this year we are facing. Nonetheless, the percentage of vaccinated people around the world is not enough to stop the spead of the COVID-19 and its different strains; thus, it is not recommended that people make non-essential trips, and most importantly, they should take the precautions that are necessary if you are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 or are in daily contact with people belonging to that group. In case you have already been vaccinated or if you decide to go on a trip, here are the most safety places and the best preventive measures necessary for traveling safely.

The most safety destinations according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):

  • New Zealand: Level 1
  • Australia: Level 1
  • Iceland: Level 1
  • Thailand: Level 1

These countries have registered a small quantity of infections by the COVID-19 and the quantity of reported cases per day have lowered. The information is updated daily by the CDC; for a country to reach a higher level, it must satisfy the criterions mentioned.

Recommendations for both vaccinated and not vaccinated people:

  • Find out all the information regarding the required documentation, PERMISOS, quarantine, and test in the chosen destination.
  • Make sure your destinantion is not over Level 2 in the CDC's classification list. You can find the specific information in this web page:
  • Wear a face mask in all public spaces and means of transports.
  • Avoid throngs, keep your distance and wash your hands with frequency.
  • Be sure you do not have any symptoms when you arrive as well as when you depart. You are very likely to be tested once you have arrived to your country and forced to practise a lockdown for 7 days, even if the results are negative.
  • Once you arrive to your destination, consider:
  • Choosing lodging with good air circulation or isolated places where there are not shared spaces, such as cabins and campings.
  • Spending your time outdoors taking part in activities such as trekking, cycling or picnics.  

The destinations categorized as safety by the CDC are the best choice to go on a trip til life wordlwide comes back to normal. However, unless you have received your vaccine, the international health organizations suggest people postpone non-essential trips abroad until that happens. They recommend traveling within your country if it is possible and there are no risks of spreading the virus.  

Meanwhile, the most enthusiastic travelers who want to visit a country with restrictions on incoming foreigners and with a higher risk of infection, can start to make reservations and plan their next vacation, and at the same time take care of their both physical and metal health so that you can enjoy what is to come in 2021 and the next years.

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