Does being vaccinated exempts you from the PCR and obligatory lockdown at the moment of traveling?

vacunado exime de PCR

Several travelers wonder if being vaccinated exempts them from getting the PCR test or being in lockdown when they arrive. In Argentina, this has not been regulated yet. Being vaccinated does not make any difference; you must follow the same testing and isolation protocols that vaccinated people obey. The United States is another story, each state has its own legislation. This includes who must be isolated after their arrival and who do not have to; and who must get the test and who can avoid it. We are going to go deep into the protocols that should be followed when going traveling Argentina to each one of the states that are visited the most by the tourists:

Apart from the different protocols imposed by each of the states, you must remember that the CDC request all passengers by air show a negative COVID-19 test got within 72 hours before you board your flight, or documentation of recovery not older than 3 months.

New York:

  • Asymptomatic travelers that come from another country or state will not have to be in preventive lockdown or get tested. Nonetheless, it is still recommended for those who are not fully vaccinated.
  • All the travelers must complete a health form that can be found in the next link except if they come from border states. Not filling in the form could lead to a fine of 2000 dollars and forced lockdown.


  • Travelers do not have to self-isolate or get tested when arriving in the country; however, those who develop symptoms possibly related to the COVID-19 or believe they could have been exposed to it, are recommended to follow the CDC's recommendations before traveling.
  • The wear of a face mask is not imposed by the state, though any city or county can require it. Travelers are recommended to keep themselves informed.


  • The unvaccinated travelers must follow the CDC's indications.
  • The vaccinated travelers do not have to self-isolate and they will not be tested once they have arrived in California, either from American territory or another country, except if they develop symptoms.


  • Travelers who are over 18 years old must create an account in the Hawaii health web page before their arrival in the state:
  •  In order to avoid the obligatory 10-day quarantine, the travelers must get a NAAT (nucleid acid amplification) test. It must be got within 72 hours previous to the flight, and the results must be uploaded to the already mentioned web page or printed to be handed in on arrival.
  • The travelers must download the Aloha Safe Alert app available in:

Being vaccinated is a real advantage in this reality where the COVID-19 is constantly there; if you are traveling, you will be able to enjoy a touristy destination without major worries or impediments. You simply have to obey the different protocols so as to avoid spreading the virus in case you have been infected. The states mentioned previously are the best option for Argentinean travelers for two important reasons: on the one hand, quarantine can be avoided or not even required; on the other hand, they are the most visited places in the United States, you will be able to enjoy new experiences and meet new cultures.

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