Four Seasons in Buenos Aires

Four Seasons is a Canadian chain recognized globally for offering one of the best luxury hotel services. We are dealing specifically with its headquarters in Buenos Aires, its history, the services it offers, and some interesting facts. 

The Alzaga Unzué Palace

The Four Seasons is currently located in an imposing building with an aristocratic style that highlights the façade in the suburb of Retiro since the early 20th century. Its design lines up with the Belle Époque style, inspired in The Châteaux of the Loire. It was designed by the architect Roberto Prentice and commissioned by Félix de Álzaga Unzué in 1916 as a wedding gift for his wife. 

En 1985, luego de que la pareja falleció, el edificio fue adquirido por un saudita por 5 millones de dólares. Este luego lo vendió a la cadena Hyatt. La crisis que azotó al país en el año 2001 condujo a que el edificio pasara a ser gestionado por la cadena Four Seasons. Gracias a esto, fue lo sometió a una intensiva restauración interna y redecoración.

Gastronomía en el Four Seasons

El hotel cuenta con un restaurante de dos pisos bautizado Elena. Ofrece un menú de carnes argentinas seleccionadas y cocinadas en la parrilla junto con una lista de vinos locales. El bar ofrece cócteles creativos, hamburguesas y cervezas artesanales que destacan en el ambiente gastronómico de la Ciudad. Se encuentra decorado al estilo de la vida de polo de La Dolfina. En último lugar pero no menos importante, el servicio a la habitación ofrece desde desayunos saludables hasta refrigerios y comidas que pueden ser pedidos a altas horas de la noche. 

Distinguished people

Politicians, artists and celebrities have stayed in this complex: the King Juan Carlos of Spain, Fidel Castro, David Bowie, The Rollings Stones, Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Jean Paul Gaultier, among others. The most required room is the main suite; it is called “La Mansión” (The Mansion) and costs 11 thousand dollars a night, a price that is justified by a 200 m2 expansion with a view to the garden, the Tower and the Jockey Club, and a bathroom entirely made with Italian marble and gold faucets. 

The Four Seasons hotel in Buenos Aires is an excellent option for the travelers who yearn to experience luxury: from staying in a building with an imposing design that takes part in the city’s architectural history, to passing by celebrities and illustrated personas who walk and have walked along its hallways and rooms, in addition to its gourmet gastronomy and first-level customized assistance. 

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